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Kim Gary

Hmm before hun go back home for the weekend again, at least he promised me to have dinner with me. =D So we decided for Kim Gary since we have a 30% discount coupon. It can be considered 15% cos another 15% is for tax n service charge. -.- ok well everything didnt start off well but finally went on great after that. Nothing much to post about but only pictures.. :D

Our drinks..Fruit milk & 'ying yong' HK style smtg smtg. lol
My Korean noodles with eyes @.@ While waiting for our french toast, we spent time trying not to waste food. So instead of consuming it, we turn it to be an art. LOL! Ta-da~~
MA Sunshine!!Next...drawing session. Just imagine how slow n bad is their service that we can actually waste time on such 'mou liu' things. Hmm.. hun was drawing around n i asked him for a drawing of me. He jus took a few seconds n ta-dah~
>.<I insisted on it's name. So names were added..
I couldnt resist from making it even more cuter..
So i finally showed off my art skill! Chun? =p
Agree with me? Agree with me or not?
sowie hun. XD
-in random wasting time-Finally out French Toast is served..Ma fav..
*eat in peace* hehe


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