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How emotions come & go..
How emotions affect someone & the people around them..
Why do emotions bring anger, tears, depression, and all.
Why does the grudge exist.
Don't you think that humans are special, yet weird?
Why aren't they like an army of ants, working cooperatively & lending a hand each time you need one.
Like a school of fishes, swimming around in groups not letting anyone be left out.
Like an ugly duckling, be the most beautiful in the herd despite all the ugly words.
But is there any perfect thing?
Does perfection ever exist.

Stop comparing!
ARgh i'm feeling so bad but i can't help it.
It's just a sore of the eyes.
Yes the gap matters, but there's a difference you know.
Maybe that's because of all the comparison that have been made.
How treatment have been done.
So what with gaps? It's the heart that matters in the end.

Sometimes i ponder and dream..for the right hand stretching out for me.
Getting all the words spoken.
Getting all the actions made.
Getting all the desires dreamt.

That's all to think.
Get back to sleep.



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