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PINK eye!!

Heard of it?
or mayb hmm..seen this??

#Conjunctivitis (commonly called "pinkeye" or bloodshot eyes in the USA and "Madras Eye" in India) is an inflammation of the conjunctiva (the outermost layer of the eye and the inner surface of the eyelids), most commonly due to an allergic reaction or an infection (usually bacterial or viral).#
My eyes are small, yes i know.
But now they're even smaller!! :((
(still can see my eyes of course :p)

They're something like the image above but they're not as severe as the above. Sorry if the image of the eyes above are disturbing but they're seriously what pink eye is all about.

Symptoms will be like:

* Redness in one or both eyes
* Itchiness in one or both eyes
* Blurred vision and sensitivity to light
* A gritty feeling in one or both eyes
* A discharge in one or both eyes that forms a crust during the night
* Tearing

It has been nearly exactly what I've been feeling for this few days.. No wonder I've been having crusts at my eyelids when i wake in the morning. Hmm..
It's been affecting my left eye whereas the right one only has some minor infection. I'm not going to blame anyone for getting this so-called disease, not even the spreader. ;)

My fault i nvr prevent myself from being spread to this pink eye disease? hehe..
I have just seen the doc and he prescribed me some pills and eye drop thingy. Pill.. *ughh*
Oh but well, push aside the pills..

I have a MC for 3 days!!
I'm still going to class.
How am i going to skip my quiz, com lab n physics lab??
But i'll avoid any eye contact or anything with others lo.. sad.
But they say that a person who has been infected wont get infected for another time. Wohoo~

For 'prevention better than cure':

* Don't touch your eyes with your hands.
* Wash your hands thoroughly and frequently.
* Change your towel and washcloth daily, and don't share them with others.
* Change your pillowcase often.
* Discard eye cosmetics, particularly mascara.
* Don't use anyone else's eye cosmetics or personal eye-care items.
* Follow your eye doctor's instructions on proper contact lens care.

For now, pchze needs her rest.
Hoping my eyes will be as clear as ever, without any irritations!

and it's advisable to stay far from me for these few days. *hehe*


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