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Someone's in town

LAlala~~ someone's in mA town, and it's the one n only worm. Lol Hun came this morn and i picked him from the bus station and further on managed to get our tickets for TRANSformers at 12.30 pm.. Actually it was my second time watching, as i have watched it with my mum before that. However I just still wanna accompany him watch since we've already promised each other. I just remained silent of it as my second show. *hehe* Seeing him watching the show is as enjoyable as watching the movie since he was like a little boy, back to his early ages where the little boy enjoys playing the Transformers toys so much that he wish he could hug his toy while watching it come to action. XD Opps..dreams exposed. But anyhowwxzz..the movie is AWEsome! at least it didnt bore me..Everyone out there, this movie is definitely a great recommendation. *YESH!*
Movie of the day..

Thanx hun, for coming down all the way here. The time seemed soo fast..and it's already time to sing sayonara. *sob sob*
Sampai berjumpa lagi~~
Haha ah,, back to the sweet old ranjers time..dancing 'new friend found' and singing 'sayonara' when it's time to end the campfire. Hmmm..
*shakes head*

Oh well, back to the topic. Lol
Kesimpulannya..I had a great day ling! =)


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