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Outing with mua sis!

It's the sister's outing again~~!
I intended to meet up with some frens but jus to keep my sis company,
i promised to spend the day with her. ;)
The afternoon was sooo hot and lazy..
we fiinally finally got our lazy bums up,
and headed on for a shopping spreee..

The lovely dog which witnessed our vain self-shots.
Shots in the car..
In the dressing room, trying out real cheap tops.. :D
Exhausted after afew non-stop hours..
While waiting for my sis to try out her swimsuits, i started

Okkay..enough of the vain-ess already. =D
It was a tiring, yet aWeEsome day.
We spent nearly 200 for reAlly cheap & affordable deals.


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