With this four words, it brings lots of meaning. I'm yet to discover the true deepest meaning of the whole of it, but i believe i will. ;) Together with it, it carries along joy, happiness, loyalty, honesty, understanding, and all the wonders that you can imagine.
Where there is love there is life. Life without love is like a tree without blossoms or fruit. Just imagine a tree without fruits n flowers, how dull will it be? n how sad lonesome will the tree be to have noone with it while it goes through all the obstacles in growing. Same goes to us, humans. Being with you though just still fresh, i cant deny that i've learnt nothing about life. You may have taught me to understand, and be clear of what lies ahead. Undeniably, we have our own differences. We jus had one recently and believe me, hate it. stupid me. i'm no baby kay, just to remind u. So, although i er wat wat, i may seem to be not strong enough but i'm not that weak either. N obviously, i'll prove myself. ;p