Earthquake in Coit building around in the afternoon..At first we didnt believe Xwei but then saw in the news that Sumatera was struck by earthquake. Then we were like, uh huh. Lol~~ It was quite a busy day for me. Tiring indeed.. I finished my class at 1 and went back for Geisha movie. hehe.. PHew luckily i realised that i havent hand up my lab report, and rushed down to BH in the noon. Then rushed back up to take hun's pendrive, then rush back down to the waiting car. And then..cos of some change of plan instead of the band practise, we decided to enjoy ourselves and head for midvalley.. I was so not dressed up for mvm. I was more like for going just for dinner in a simply small stall anywhere. lol. Our main purpose was actually to buy a pressie for Xwei but instead, we spent on ourselves and totally forgot bout the pressie. *our bad* We walked around, shopping for clothes. Ended up, hun bought a pants and a pinky sandals for me, and i got 2 lovely tops in the last moments. ;) For dinner, we had food in Ayamas! Yeah, was sooo long ago the last time i went there to eat. It's quite cheap actually.. Had a set dinner. The main dish was this chicken set which looks quite appetizing..
We finally headed home after dinner. Hehe ;)