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Twilight was gooooooooood!

Papers reviewed that the movie wasn't too good or any better. There was no Bolt showing in the nearby cinemas so we decided for Twilight instead. and it was out of my expectation. It was not any bad. It has it's funny part in their own way. I personally like it. Even my guy does too. Some conversations were not explained clearly and Bella's feelings towards Edward was not shown deep enough but still, it's alright. He's so charmingly cute and sweet too! I think he really make a good vampire. I hated how he looked at his first appearance but how did he turned up so pale charming and whitish handsome later on? lol I like one of the part where he was with his dark shades. Awww*
But why do their short sweet romantic scene just have to be censored cut! Argh. Now we have to figure out how he bounced back off away from Bella. Anyway...did i mention how much i like the movie? I don't mind watching it again. Free. :D


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