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i've been tagged.

[Made by Brianna @ Please don't remove this tag!]

1] Name?** Pei Chze
2] What other names did your parents have in mind for you?**Not that i know of
3] Place of birth?** Malacca's GH
4] Time of birth?** night time i guess
5] Day of birth?** 28th
6] Who was there when you were born?** my parents obviously
7] What's your star sign?** Capricorn
8] What's your Chinese star sign?** Dragon
9] Were you born on a holiday?** Hmm that was 20 years back.
10] Were you a planned child?** Yes, yes!
11] How old are you now?** 19 going 20
12] How many days until your next birthday?** days & days to come!

13] Height?**Around 160cm
14] Weight?** Usually around 45
15] Eye color?** Dark brown
16] Natural hair color?** Black?
17] Is your hair dyed? If so, what colors?** nop
18] Length of hair?** Currently, touching shoulder in a weeks to come. Gonna cut it as soon as it
19] Do you wear contacts, glasses, or neither?** sunglasses? :D
20] Skin color?** fair fair fair
21] Do you tan in the sun, or burn?** Neither of it. If so, not in purpose
22] How long are your nails right now?** Long enough
23] Are they painted or not?** Nop
24] What are you currently wearing?** T-Shirt and shorts
25] What makeup do you wear on a daily basis?** Casual time, no make-up. only on certain occasions.
26] Do you have acne?** No & not hoping to.
27] Do you pluck/wax/whatever your eyebrows?** pluck only when i feel like it.
28] Are you content with your weight?** Yeah I guess so
29] What about your height?** tall tall taller! slightly will do.
30] How about your appearance as a whole?** contented but just a little taller will be perfect.
31] How often do you shave your legs?** when it grows?
32] What about your armpits?** Ya clean.

Personal Questions
33] Virgin?** Yes
34] How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had in your life?** total 2?
35] How many of them were totally assholes?** none
36] Have you ever lost a family member?** Yes
37] Ever been to a funeral or wake?** Yup
38] Would you date your last ex again?** It's already the past.
39] Have you ever given a blowjob/eaten someone out?** ew ew eat?
40] Sexual orientation?** ?
41] Ever kissed the same sex on the lips?** Never tried that before! lol
42] Ever been drunk?** no, at least i don't think so.
43] High?** hmm slightly i guess.
44] Snuck out of the house?** Nop
45] Have you ever thought about suicide?** shyly, ya
46] Ever attempted it?** No it's such a pain.
47] Did you write a love poem/song about someone before?** i'm not that creative.
48] Ever seriously thought you were pregnant?** lol
49] Ever masturbated yourself?** No
50] Are you sure?** Yes yes yes

Have you ever
51] Held a knife up to someone?** No
52] Stalked someone?** Nop
53] Prank phone called someone?** yupp
54] Called the police on someone?** No
55] Dated a neighbor?** Noo.. kevan lee. :D
56] Cursed off a neighbor?** No
57] Played really loud music to annoy the neighbors?** No. if only he could hear me.
58] Bit someone?** does slight bite counted?
59] Tried to be something you weren't?** hmm..
60] Walked around in your Halloween costume before Halloween?** i don't celebrate Halloween
61] Watched a documentary/read a biography for leisure, not for school work?** Yes
62] Copied someone else's homework?** Uniten generates copycats!
63] Copied off of someone else's test?** test is serious. hehe

Your significant other (if you're single, just fill this in for your ideal mate)
64] Firstly, are you single or taken?** Taken
65] If taken, what's their name?** the Cy
66] Eye color?** Dark brown
67] Hair color? Is that natural or dyed?** Black, natural
68] Weight?** around 50+?
69] Height?** 170+++?
70] Cute or sexy?** Can i have both.
71] What's his dress style?** Casual?
72] Favorite band?** none of any specific
73] Favorite place to go on a date?** anywhere together
74] Shoe size?** 9 or 10? omg I suck man
75] Any piercings/tattoos?** No no no
76] If not, do you want them to have some?** No no no thx
77] Are you in love with them?** It's him, to be exact.
78] Are they more like you, or different?** kinda different
79] What's their sexual orientation? Does it bother you?**
80] If you could travel anywhere in the world with them, where would it be?** Everywhere!!

Hobbies & Interests
81] What are you usually doing after work/school on a week day?**
82] What about on a weekend?**
83] What movie is in theaters right now that you want to see?** Ironman with him!
84] Last movie you saw in theaters?** Err.. the three kingdoms.
85] You have $100 to spend on a Saturday night with your best friend. Where do you go?** A cafe to catch up
86] Which friend do you hang out with the most?** him Sherry ah Yan
87] Are you good at writing or drawing?** Writing
88] What's your favorite kind of music?** none in specific
89] How often do you listen to music?** Everyday in Winamp. lol
90] What's your favorite things to do outside?** erRrr..
91] Do you enjoy photography?** Yup yup
92] What about painting?** Nooop
93] Are you any good at cooking or baking?** Baking
94] Do you play any instruments?** yes yes piano
95] Any sports?** shopping is walking and is jogging when getting over excited

96] Band?** Blah
97] Rapper?** Blah
98] Country (besides the one you live in)?** Blah
99] Color?** Green
100] Number?** 28?
101] Magazine?** Cleo
102] Ice cream flavor?** Chococolate
103] Pizza topping?** i enjoy Hawaiian chicken most
104] Condoment (catsup, mustard, etc.)?** catsup? ketchup?
105] Class in school?**what class?
106] Fast food restaurant?**Mcd, dunkin donuts, burger king
107] Regular restaurant?**not really regular..
108] Color to wear?**all fabulous colors!
109] Pair of shoes you own?** Can i not count.
110] Pair of boots you own?** none
111] Sandals/flip-flops you own?**few, few
112] Person to spend time with?**him, close frens
113] Comedian?**him :D
114] Racist joke?**nah
115] Place to be?**outside msia?
116] Song?**depends on mood
117] Website?**my own blog? lol
118] Forum to go on?**lowyat sometimes
119] Age you've been so far?**i'm only 20. far more to go.
120] Makeup brands?**maybelline, skinfood
121] Clothing stores?**fos.
122] Clothing brands?**fos(lol)
123] Shoe brands?**vincci,
124] Mall?**every mall is good.
125] Movie theater?**gsc, mbo
126] Movie?**hmm no favourites to be exact
127] TV show?**grey's anatomy, gossip girl, drama, many more!
128] Elvis song?**errr.... hahah
129] Part of your body?**i love all

Your Family
130] Do you have any "crazy relatives"? Which one is the craziest?** we drifted apart
131] Is your family super-religious?** Not really
132] Which set of grandparents do you see most often?** both has passed away..
133] Do you only see your family on holidays, or do you see them regularly?** it really depends, mostly on holidays
134] Which side of the family do you like better, your mom's or dad's?** Both
135] Name all of your cousins.** Too bad, i'm not so free to do that. lol
136] Did you ever get into a big fight with one of your family members (not your mom, dad, or sibling)?** nop
137] Which family member would you be content with never seeing again?** none!
138] Do you love your family?** of course~
139] Do you get along with them?** Yeah
140] Which of your cousins is closest in age to you?** Yit Kuay. same age :D
141] What's your sibling(s) names?** Pei Wan & Pei Khim
142] Do you have any half brothers or half sisters?** No
143] Do you have a step mom or step dad?** No
144] Are your parents divorced, married, separated, or living together?** Happily married and living together
145] If you could, which of your friends would you make your sister/brother?** hmm...i'm contented actually. but ah yan is like another sister cos we're the Pei's. haha

146] Best friend?** those were the days
147] Close girl friends?** many actually..cos they come in different times. ;)
148] Close guy friends?** i better not state. lol
149] Which friend is in most of your classes?** school days are over..uni is random
150] Last friend you hung out with?** Err..sherry
151] Can you always count on your friends to cheer you up when you're down?** kindof
152] How often do you see your good friends?** not too often.
153] Which close friends haven't you seen in a while?** i don't see them often.
154] Are you and your friends more alike or different?** more alike i guess
155] Loudest friend?** VanC :D
156] Quietest friend?** Snie? she's not all that quiet but i cant think of any else right now.
157] Can you see you and your best friend still being friends after high school and college?** Yeah hope so
158] Where did you meet your best friend?** the past
159] Without your best friend, would you still be where you are right now?** ....

This or That (but with more choices!)
160] iPod, Zune, MP3 player, or CD player?** iPod
161] Breakfast, lunch, or dinner?** breakfast with him
162] AE, Aeropostale, Hollister, or Abercrombie?** all
163] Wal*Mart, Walgreens, KMart, or Target?** Who cares?
164] Hot Topic, PacSun, Zumiez, or Spencer's?** er?
165] Shopping online or offline?** Both
166] Hanging at your house with a friend, or at their house?** Theirs
167] Morning, afternoon, evening, or night?** all
168] Winter, summer, spring, or fall?** Msia only have summer
168] Shoprite, Pathmark, Farmer's Market, or A&P?** What??
168] Kohl's, JCPenney, Macy's, or Mandee's?** er?
169] Black, white, or grey?** black n White
170] Flare, skinny, bootleg, or wide-legged jeans?** depends on my body. lol
171] English, History, Math, or Science?** English,maths
172] Taking the bus to school, walking, or getting a ride from someone?** school?
173] Sneakers, sandals, or boots?** Sandals
174] Sunny, rainy, or cloudy?** cloudy
175] Sun showers or regular rain showers?** Regular rain showers
176] Metal or screamo music?** None
177] MTV, MTV2, Fuse, or VH1?** All can la.
178] Nick, Cartoon Network, Disney Channel, or YTV?** Disney Channel
179] Would you rather learn Spanish, French, or German?** hmm...
180] Would you rather visit Germany, Spain, Italy, or France?** hmm...
181] Gold or silver?** Both also can laaa... Got still wanna complain.. sheeeeshh
182] Desktop or laptop computer?** Laptop
183] Texting, talking on the phone, IM or in person?** in person
184] Getting your nails done or doing them yourself?** manicure!
185] Nose piercing, eyebrow piercing, or labret piercing?** ears are enough.
186] AIM, MSN, ICQ, or MySpace messenger?** MSN
187] MySpace, Facebook, or Xanga?** Facebook
188] Which was your favorite; high school, middle school, or elementary school?** High school?
189] The year 2005, 2006, 2007, or 2008?** Huh...
190] Halloween, Christmas, or Valentine's Day?** Christmas, vday!
191] Single or group dates?** Both depending on times.
192] Movies, candle-lit dinner, or just sex?** dinner, then movie ;)
193] Football, tennis, or basketball?** footbal n basketball for my guy

194] Worst subject?** Er history?
195] Best subject?** Chemistry?
196] How do you get to school?** My mum
197] What period is your lunch?** seriuosly cant remember
198] Who sits next to you in Science?** diff year, diff ppl
199] Math?** diff diff
200] What grade are you in?** in uni considered grade 14 ? lol
201] What kind of grades do you get on your report card?** not that badd..
202] Ever gotten straight A's?** lol yea upsr, pmr, spm.. if only uni is thaT easy ):
203] What about all A's and B's?** yupp
204] Ever failed a class?** nop..
205] Ever just gotten an F in a class but didn't have to re-take it?** nop
206] Are you shy or outgoing in school?** more to shy i guess
207] Do the teachers like you?** don't need to. lol
208] Do you get in trouble?** hmmm...
209] Have you gotten detention this year?** noop
210] Do kids smoke in the bathrooms at your school?** nop

Morals & Beliefs
211] Do you believe in sex before marriage?** Hmm..
212] Would you have sex with someone you didn't love?** Nop
213] What about someone you weren't dating?** I wasn't dating maybe cos i don't love him?
214] Do you kiss on the first date?** No
215] Do you believe abortion is wrong?** Yupp
216] Do you believe in God?** Yes
217] What religion are you?** Buddhist
218] Do you believe in heaven/hell?** Yes
219] What about reincarnation?** Kinda...
220] Do you smoke, drink, or do drugs?** No
221] Have you ever madeout with a stranger?** Lol no!
222] Do you respect adults?** Yes
223] Do you pray?** Of course every night if possible.
224] Do you go to church?** when i was little
225] Do you believe gays should be able to get married?** Hmm they are allowed too..ya
226] Do you believe in interracial dating?** Yes
227] Do you watch porn?** No
228] Do you masturbate?** No
229] Do you believe masturbation is a sin?** No?
230] Do you think it's okay for teenagers to have sex?** like they care?
231] What about older people who aren't married?** why not..they are already old. live life. lol
232] Who do you want for president?** Like i care?
233] Do you agree with the war in Iraq?** No
234] Do you think piercings/tattoos give off a bad image?** yup kinda..
235] What about funky haircuts and unnatural hair dyes?** depends on color of the dyes
236] Do you wear "slutty" clothing?** No
237] Do you cut yourself?** why would i?

238] Do you need braces?** Nop
239] Do you wear gold jewelry?** No
240] Do you wear a lot of black?** Not all the time.
241] Do you correct bad grammar/spelling in surveys?** Err..
242] Do you consider yourself to be smart?** Er alright i guess. Normal i guess
243] Do you still like the same person you liked last year around this time? ** Yupp
244] What is the song that describes your love life right now? (choose from your playlist) ** Nahh
245] How many languages can you speak fluently? English, Mandarin probably alright abit?
246] Do you usually change the laces on your shoes, or leave the same ones in that you bought them with? ** Leave the same ones
247] What color is the chair you're sitting on? ** Brownish yellow
248] Are you enjoying this so far?** No.. only doing this cos of Sandra!
249] Ever made your own survey?** Nop
250] Longest survey you ever took?** This!

Now, tag five of your friends =)

The lucky five :






[Made by Brianna @ Please don't remove this tag!]


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