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For you.

I have so much which are left out but I prefer completing my posts with all of the photos due. Maybe one day, when I have internet at home. Although life without internet could be a lil pathetic, but life goes on just well. =) Anyway the point for this post is for a dear friend of mine.

Happy Birthday Carrine Gan ah Chiu! =)

It was sooo many years back when we first met. I don't even remember when.
But schooling days have been great.
those Harry Potter and Barney days.

Much love, darling.



  1. Carrine said...
    eh ahhaha i didnt realise you dedicated a post for me

    awwww. *hugs*

    thank you yea ah chze
    .: pchze :. said...
    hahaha yes i did. =)
    *return hugs*

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