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I'm in Action.

If you are interested enough to read about my life in Maxis so far, you can read it in

I know, lame address. Blah blah. Me in action as in like, me working. XD

But you've been warned, it's boring over there. lol. Words words and words to fill the post. and words to make my Maxis life sound interesting and knowledgeable. =.=

Whee it's a Friday and i'm going homeeeee! Can't wait for 5.30pm cause I'm so leaving early. My supervisor is missing once again. Lol. I had Spanish food for lunch and am enjoying it. If only lunch time could be good everyday. I actually can have many pictures to share but I can only online in the office. yes thank you Telekom for not having coverage in my sis's place. It's so ridiculous! No internet because there's no Telekom line. Argh! But fine I have the tv and my best company. and I get to retire early for the night. But why do I still get tired in the morning when I have had enough sleep. Sigh, am I getting old.

I'm SO into Glee right now. I don't know why but there's just something about Glee, that i Love. hahaha I think I'm going to be a pirate. ;) If you have not watched it, what are you waiting for. WATCH it! It's good. and their songs are great. oh i sound like i'm promoting them lol.

It's a weekend! =)

**family getogether!


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