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Seems like forever

Listening: Fergie - finally

Really seemed like forever.
This boring week.
But it was good that i got used to it.
And it was all worth while.
Now..i'm just waiting.
For the right moment to squeeze him right in the arms.
Anticipating for the goodies brought back.
Wanted to watch Eagle Eye tonight..
Heard that it's a good show but how bout our tests?
Will they be good as well.
Lol see we shall.


White Rabbit candy has excess melamine


White Rabbit candy sample was found to have excess melamine, Health Minister Datuk Liow Tiong Lai said on Monday. The amount of melamine found was 135 parts per million, compared to the permissible level of 2.5 parts per million for adults. All shops, supermarkets and other retail outlets have to take the products off the shelves to be destroyed, “if not, action can be taken under the Food Act.”

They are finally destroying all 'White Rabbit' candy..

They used to be one of my favorite childhood candy. : (
Just for those who have pathetic childhood and wonders what 'White Rabbit' candy is..

There they are!
Seee they look just so innocent.
They're just rabbits.
Why with the excessive melamine!
And now 0.1% of my past time can't be revived anymore.
I still remember how chewy the creamy candies can get..
The candies are wrapped in rice paper that can be eaten.
I'll prefer to chew them all together and let the paper melt.
Then leave it in my mouth for couple of minutes before chewing them.
for the day.

That's for the excessive melamine!
*i have NO idea what's with the white dot in the middle ):*

--in the loving memory of White Rabbit--
i'll miss


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